Brooke It Forward

The Brooke It Forward Foundation is dedicated to shoebox-sized acts of kindness providing “birthday boxes” to children whose birthdays might otherwise be overlooked due to placement in foster care, displacement as a result of disaster, domestic violence, poverty, or other circumstances.

Birthday Boxes for our Hope House Children
Brooke It Forward is a Foundation in honor of the late Brooke E. Posey. Hope House is a proud partner of the foundation, and as a partner of the Brooke It Forward Foundation, we provide birthday boxes to the children we serve. Often times, our kids aren't able to experience the joy of celebrating their birthdays due to trauma, foster care, or other circumstances. We serve over 400 children a year, and it’s an honor to provide hundreds of birthday boxes to our kids, in honor of Brooke. Brooke It Forward!

A Simple Yet Meaningful Gesture
Parties are fun and games. Birthdays are serious business! Each child’s birthday should be celebrated and held as special.
It creates an atmosphere of valuing each child and creating an environment where each child is special. We recently received 20 new birthday boxes from the Brooke it Forward Foundation. Each box is equipped with cake mix, frosting, candy, goodies, and a birthday card! It's such a simple yet meaningful gesture. These simple acts of kindness mean the world to our kiddos; we see the biggest smiles when children receive them.
Get Involved & Support Brook It Forward
If you or your organization would like to get involved in creating Brooke It Forward birthday boxes for our children, please let us know. It's a simple yet meaningful way to give back and contribute.
#brookeitforward #loveandsprinkles