Report Child Abuse
According to Louisiana law, mandated reporters must report child abuse. This includes health practitioners, educators, mental health/social service practitioners, members of the clergy, law enforcement personnel, photographic print processors, youth activity providers, and coaches.
The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services is mandated by law to investigate reports of suspected child abuse and neglect. If you live in Louisiana, immediately report your suspicions by calling the Louisiana Child Abuse Hotline at (1-855-452-5437 . Someone is available 24/7.
How to Report Child Abuse
When you call, it will be helpful if you can provide as much of the following information as possible:
Name, age and address of the child
Name and address of the parent(s) or guardian(s)
Nature of abuse
Identity of offender
CyberTipline: If you know or suspect online child sexual exploitation (examples include online enticement of children for sexual acts, child pornography, sex trafficking, or misleading domain names, words or images on the internet), report them to the CyberTipline.